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作者:应用数学学院 时间:2023-06-25 点击数:




2024.04- ,   南京财经大学 应用数学学院 教授、院长

2023.01-2024.03  南京财经大学 应用数学学院 教授、副院长(主持工作)

2021.09-2023.01  南京财经大学 财政与税务学院 教授、副院长

2015.04-2021.09  南京财经大学 经济学院 副教授、教授

2022.03- ,   江苏省碳达峰碳中和科技发展战略研究院 兼职研究人员

2013.09- ,   江苏大学 能源发展与环境保护战略研究中心 兼职研究人员

2017.08-2018.09  纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿分校 经济系 访问学者

2013.11-2017.06  江苏大学 管理学院  管理科学与工程博士后

2010.09-2013.06  江苏大学 理学院 博士















主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(NO: 72274092),在研

主持国家社科基金重大项目子课题(NO: 22&ZD136),在研

主持国家社科基金重点项目子课题(NO: 23AZD057),在研

主持江苏省碳达峰碳中和重大科技示范项目子任务(NO: BE2022612),在研

主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(NO: 71774077),结题(后评估优秀)

主持国家自然科学基金青年项目(NO: 71303205),结题(后评估优秀)

主持国家博士后科学基金特别资助项目(NO: 2015T80519),结题

主持国家博士后科学基金面上项目(NO: 2014M551524),结题

主持江苏省博士后基金项目(NO: 1401049C),结题

主持江苏省六大人才高峰高层次人才项目(NO: JNHB-026),结题

主持江苏省“333工程科研项目(NO: BRA2017447),结题

主持江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目(NO: CXLX11_0589),结题









[1] Fang GC*, Huang M, Zhang WB, Tian LX. Exploring global embodied carbon emissions transfer network—An analysis based on national responsibility. Technological Forecasting & Social Change. 2024 (202): 123284. (SSCI&SCI, JCR-Q1)

[2] Fang GC, Huang M, Sun CW*. Revealing the hidden carbon flows in global industrial Sectors—Based on the perspective of linkage network structure. Journal of Environmental Management. 2024 (356): 120531. (SSCI&SCI, JCR-Q1)

[3] Fang GC*, Chen G, Yang K, Yin WJ, Tian LX. How does green fiscal expenditure promote green total factor energy efficiency? — Evidence from Chinese 254 cities. Applied Energy. 2024 (353): 122098. (SCI, JCR-Q1)

[4] Fang GC*, Meng AX, Wang QL*, Zhou HX, Tian LX. Analysis of the evolution path of new energy system under polymorphic uncertainty——A case study of China. Energy. 2024 (300): 131543. (SCI, JCR-Q1)

[5] Fang GC, Yang K, Chen G, Ren XH*, Taghizadeh-Hesary F*. Exploring the effectiveness of fiscal decentralization in environmental expenditure based on the CO2 ecological footprint in urban China. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. 2023 (10): 783 (SSCI, JCR-Q1)

[6] Fang GC*, Chen G, Yang K, Yin WJ, Tian LX. Can green tax policy promote China's energy transformation?— A nonlinear analysis from production and consumption perspectives. Energy. 2023 (269): 126818. (SCI, JCR-Q1)

[7] Fang GC*, Yang K, Chen G, Tian LX. Environmental protection tax superseded pollution fees, does China effectively abate ecological footprints? Journal of Cleaner Production. 2023 (388), 135846. (SCI, JCR-Q1, ESI高被引)

[8] Fang GC, Gao ZY, Sun CW*. How the new energy industry contributes to carbon reduction? —Evidence from China. Journal of Environmental Management. 2023 (329), 117066. (SSCI&SCI, JCR-Q1)

[9] Fang GC*, Gao ZY, Tian LX, Fu M. What drives urban carbon emission efficiency? – Spatial analysis based on nighttime light data. Applied Energy. 2022 (312): 118772. (SCI, JCR-Q1, ESI高被引)

[10] Fang GC*, Yang K, Tian LX, Ma YT. Can environmental tax promote renewable energy consumption? — An empirical study from the typical countries along the Belt and Road. Energy. 2022 (260): 125193. (SCI, JCR-Q1)

[11] Fang GC*, Gao ZY, Wang L, Tian LX. How does green innovation drive urban carbon emission efficiency?—Evidence from the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2022 (375), 134196. (SCI, JCR-Q1)

[12] Fang GC*, Wang L, Gao ZY, Chen JY, Tian LX. How to advance China’s carbon emission peak?— A comparative analysis of energy transition in China and the USA. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2022, 29, 71487–71501. (SCI, JCR-Q1)

[13] Fang GC, Tian LX, Yang ZL*. The construction of a comprehensive multidimensional energy index. Energy Economics. 2020 (90): 104875. (SSCI, JCR-Q1)

[14] Fang GC*, Wang QL, Tian LX. Green development of Yangtze River Delta in China under Population-Resources-Environment Development-Satisfaction perspective. Science of the Total Environment. 2020, 138710. (SSCI&SCI, JCR-Q1)

[15] Bai Y, Meng J, Meng FY, Fang GC*. Stochastic analysis of a shale gas investment strategy for coping with production uncertainties. Energy Policy. 2020, 111639. (SSCI&SCI, JCR-Q1)

[16] Fang GC*, Lu LX, Tian LX, He Y, Yin HB. Research on the influence mechanism of carbon trading on new energy—A case study of ESER system for China. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2020, 123572. (SSCI&SCI, JCR-Q2)

[17] Fang GC, Lu LX, Tian LX, He Y, Bai Y*.Can China achieve the energy-saving and emission reducing objectives during the “13th Five-Year-Plan”? —A systematic evolutionary analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020, 121256. (SSCI&SCI, JCR-Q1)

[18] Fang GC*, Liu MH, Tian LX, Fu M, Zhang Y. Optimization analysis of carbon emission rights allocation based on energy justice—The Case of China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018 (202): 748–758. (SSCI&SCI, JCR-Q1)

[19] Fang GC*, Tian LX, Liu MH, Fu M, Sun M. How to optimize the development of carbon trading in China—Enlightenment from evolution rules of the EU carbon price. Applied Energy. 2018 (211): 1039–1049. (SSCI&SCI, JCR-Q1)

[20] Fang GC*, Tian LX, Fu M, Sun M, He Y, Lu LX. How to promote the development of energy-saving and emission-reduction with changing economic growth rate—A case study of China. Energy. 2018 (143): 732-745. (SSCI&SCI, JCR-Q1)

[21] Fang GC*, Tian LX, Fu M, Sun M, Du RJ, Lu LX, He Y. The effect of energy construction adjustment on the dynamical evolution of energy-saving and emission-reduction system in China. Applied Energy. 2017 (196): 180–189. (SSCI&SCI, JCR-Q1)

[22] Fang GC*, Tian LX, Fu M, Sun M, Du RJ, Liu MH. Investigating carbon tax pilot in YRD urban agglomerations——Analysis of a novel ESER system with carbon tax constraints and its application. Applied Energy. 2017 (194): 635–647. (SSCI&SCI, JCR-Q1)

[23] Fang GC, Tian LX*, Fu M, Sun M. Government control or low carbon lifestyle?—Analysis and application of a novel selective constrained energy-saving and emission-reduction dynamic evolution system. Energy Policy 2014 (68): 498-507. (SSCI&SCI, JCR-Q1)

[24] Fang GC, Tian LX*, Fu M, Sun M. The impacts of carbon tax on energy intensity and economic growth—A dynamic evolution analysis on the case of China. Applied Energy. 2013 (110): 17-28. (SSCI&SCI, JCR-Q1)

[25] Fang GC, Tian LX*, Sun M, Fu M. Analysis and application of a novel three-dimensional energy- saving and emission-reduction dynamic evolution system. Energy. 2012 (40): 291-299. (SSCI&SCI, JCR-Q1)

[26] 方国昌*,何宇,田立新.碳交易驱动下的政企碳减排演化博弈分析. 中国管理科学. 2024. 1-11. (基金委管理学部A类期刊)

[27] 方国昌*,田立新,傅敏,孙梅.新能源发展对能源强度和经济增长的影响.系统工程理论与实践.2013 (11): 2795-2803. (基金委管理学部A类期刊)

[28] 方国昌*,田立新,傅敏.政府调控对碳税的演化影响.系统工程学报.2014 (29): 612-618. (基金委管理学部A类期刊)




[1] 碳交易驱动新能源发展路径优化与政策协同. 中国财政经济出版社, 2023 (独著)

[2] 节能减排路径优化理论分析及政策选择北京: 科学出版社, 2020 (独著)

[3] 能源碳排放系统分析北京: 科学出版社, 2013 (合著)



江苏省第十三届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖一等奖 2014年,4/4

EMAIL: fgchang79@163.com

TEL: 025-86718456(O)

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